Application/Fax (OVFax)
🙘 Send Faxes from z/OS Batch, TSO and CICS 🙚
Application Fax is a comprehensive CICS based package which provides the following facilities to automate the transmission of faxes from z/OS mainframe based applications:
- Fax transmission from existing CICS, batch or TSO applications
- Simple, but powerful integration tools
- Fax Queue management and control facilities at the host
- User queue and status enquiries for their own requests
- Full Image and Logo support
- Forms Overlay of data (templates)
- Wide print support (Landscape) to 132 characters
Automated fax transmission saves costs by cutting out the time traditionally spent in printing a document, walking over to the fax machine, operating the machine and so forth. Using business applications to generate the fax also means that the business cycle can become more automated and completed much faster. For example, when a customer telephones to ask for a price quotation, the details can be on his desk in the form of a high quality fax document in a matter of minutes.
Quality as well as speed is important when dealing with customers. Application Fax can help by delivering high quality documentation. Images such as signatures, logos or even product pictures can be included in faxes. A variety of cover sheets can also be set up, with each transmission automatically picking up the correct one. In addition, faxes can be generated using standard forms (eg, an invoice) without the effort or expense involved in using pre-printed stationary.
Application Fax has a number of features to reduce the adminstrative overhead and put you in control. Automatic restart and resend functions reduce the need for manual intervention even when a problem has occurred. In addition, a comprehensive online status enquiry allows the progress of each fax to be closely monitored.
Component Overview
Application Fax consists of two main components:
- The host component is z/OS-CICS based software running on an IBM mainframe computer. This component has the management tools and provides interfaces to your business applications.
- The server component runs on one or more suitable PC servers or workstations. Each server is connected to the host and undertakes the final conversion of faxes so that they can be sent over a regular telephone line. The server is connected to the host using 3270 emulation and to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) via a GammaFax or Dialogic Brooktrout fax card.

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