
Email Connectivity

SMTP-Send lets you easily integrate e-mail distribution capabilities into your MVS Batch, TSO and CICS applications.
OfficePath/SMTP-Send replaces your SNADS e-mail network with industry-standard SMTP. Because it is designed to work with OfficePath or RAPID, no changes are required to your existing mail-enabled line-of-business applications.
Application/Fax (also known as OVFax) allows you to fax information directly from your MVS, CICS or OfficeVision/MVS applications. Supports distribution via SMTP-Send, OfficePath and RAPID front-ends.
OfficePath provides all of the SNADS distribution functions of DISOSS with significantly better performance, less administration, and at greatly reduced cost. OfficePath has optional features that allow you mail and fax enable CICS, batch and TSO applications.
RAPID provides an easy to use API to the Library Services and SNADS distribution functions of DISOSS with less administration. RAPID's optional features that allow you mail and fax enable CICS, batch and TSO applications.
Soft*Switch Toolkit Connectivity
The Soft*Switch Toolkit Connectivity feature of SMTP-Send replaces your Soft*Switch's SSWDA program with a seamless SMTP-Send interface enabling you to run your existing jobstreams unchanged.

Legacy Products for OfficeVision/MVS and DISOSS

CLASY (Personal Services Library Administration System for OfficeVision/MVS) helps you control Personal Services document pool growth. CLASY automatically migrates items no longer needed by users to archive storage. This frees up storage in the document pool, improves Personal Services performance and removes the clutter of old items in users' In-Basket and File Cabinet lists.
HUPDATE and RUPDATE provide for online maintenance of user definitions in the DISOSS Host User Profile (HUP) data set and SNADS node definitions in the DISOSS Routing Table (ROUT) data set.
DSR (Document Storage Reporters) provides information about every document stored in the Personal Services document pool, Application Services Document Cabinet and DISOSS library. DSR generates detail and summary reports that tell you how your e-mail and document storage is utilized.
OV/Assist provides a single, online mechanism for adding users to and deleting them from OfficeVision/MVS and related components, including Applications Services, Personal Services, Calendar and the Enterprise Address Book.
OV/Bulletin provides a shared bulletin board facility for customers with CICS and for users of OfficeVision/MVS. Bulletins can be posted by any office systems user, and users can select only those items of interest to them.
OV/Context lets you search your File Cabinet for items that contain a particular character string. This makes it easy to find items even if you cannot remember their name or how they were filed.
OV/Reminder schedules mail to be delivered at a future date. You can use this to act as a reminder to yourself or other users.
OV/ReRouter reroutes mail to delegate users between specified dates. It can be used as an Out-of-the-office or User-moved function.
PIXI allows for upload and download of arbitrary files between the OfficeVision/MVS File Cabinet and a user's PC.